Saturday, September 22, 2012

Prenancy Test

ohhh mamaaaa...always say that you nie preggy ek..asal makan byk nie..why Mr J duk pening2 lalat and so on..

come on...pening + makan byk does not mean that im pregnant...

of course ..alhamdulillah kalo ader...tapi now im not ready yet...

lagipun doc dah pesan, after 2 years only you may try again to preggy since you're caesarian...

macam manerla nak pahamkan mama yg im not pregnant at all...

when i story kat Mr J, he said " D ader adik..bolehla main2 dgn adik dier "

yea of course i nak tapi the fact is " IM NOT PREGNANT..."

susahnyer nak pahamkan org...

finally, i beli pregnancy test and i buat test pagi tadi....

the answer is ....NO at allll....hahahahaha.....seee i dah cakap i tak pregnantttt....

baby D with his cute...

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