Friday, May 17, 2013


baby D malu2 plak on video...huhuhuh

Bila Baby D mamai di malam ari...

almost every night baby D mamai time tidor...never had a chance to record the moment..last night, helll gonna recorded it..publish so that one day, he will find himself in net. cuteee...

Friday, March 1, 2013


Today i just received an email from my manager saying that im shortlisted on the interview that i went off...i was like shooocccckkkkeddddd!!

sseriously...syukur sangat2...Allah s.w.t masih sayangkan aku and murahkan rezeki aku..

akhirnya niat aku to have " work life balance " in my career dah termakbul...

so..thats all for now guys..


Saturday, February 23, 2013

Baby D 1st Birthday Celebration

malam nie kat umah mama...celebrate birthday Baby D...muler2 nak wat happening2 la kan...tpi biler pikir2 D bukan paham aperpun membazir jer nak celebrate beria2 kan..

so, end up just suh ayahnyer beli cake and celebrate malam tue among family members jer...walaupun baby D tengah pisat2 bangun...tapi tetap jugak celebrate...

Happy 1st Birthday Muhammad Adam Danial...Moga panjang umur & dimurahkan rezeki selalu...moga jadi anak yang soleh and berjaya satu ari nanti...