Sunday, May 31, 2015


Arini dah dekat setahun baby R ader improvement towards lotion yg aku beli every month..
Aku pun mcm ibu2 kat luar saner...waktu mengandung eczemala yg aku arap2 baby R tak kener..tapi R still kener eczema...2 2 anak aku consider hyper abang tak bleh kener gigit dengan aper2 serangga especially adik plak kener eczema..terkilan seketika bila doc kater baby R ader eczema...kebetulan plak aku dpt offer kerja tpt baru...berari2 aku rujuk semua via online tentang mcm maner nak cure kan eczema ni..betul sangkaan aku...eczema bender yg kiter tak bleh cure...dier dh ader dlm DNA anak aku..the only way to fully cured..dengan tukar darah..mampu ker nak tukar darah?sanggup kee nak tgk?raser rapuh jiwa ni biler tgk baby R tak henti2 menggaru2 kepala ke kaki..sampai akhirnya aku jumper lotion ni..which is TAKDA STEROID..RECOMMENDED BY NATIONAL ECZEMA.ORG..tested good by peditrition & dermatologist..aku cuber cari mcm maner nak dptkan lotion ni..alhamdulillah..aku dpt jugak cari...but Mr J suggest jumper yg pakar kitorg decide jumper pakar baby D dulu di pantai bangsar...jumper doc + consultation jer rm800 lebih..mcm2 lotion yg ader contain steroid fucicort..fucidin...skali dengan cetaphil...siap kener tukar susu to ENFALAC A+ which cost rm100++ for 600grm or aku tetap tak putus asa..tiap kali baby R kener attack aku akan apply creme yg doct kasi...creme yg ader steroid walaupun steroid tak byk containnyer...lama kelamaan boleh menipiskan kulit...pasrah pasrah pasrah..and after apply creme tue..for awhile jer effect diee..japgi naik balik merah2 kat badan lepas menggaru..end up aku nekad beli lotion tu utk tgk ader improvement pada baby R...alhamdulillah...scalp di kepala baby R yg byk sgt tu muler gugur lepas 5 min aku apply lotion tue..lotion tu saved diapply dimaner2 including face or eye...alhamdulillah R pun tak menggaru...biler baby R cecah setahun ni..aku belikan susu pediasure utk that dier weight gain...yerlah maner2 baby patient boleh susut badan, lambat tumbuh gigi, lambat berckp or berjln..n etc..mmg aku tgu2 baby R cukup setahun so that aku bleh start kasi diee weight gain..

tips utk mommy kat luar saner yg ader anak eczema..

1) cari lotion yg boleh mositurize kulit baby 24hrs..and make sure takda steroid!!
2) pakai soap yg takda ph ph ni..totally soap semater..currently baby R pakai cetaphil..
3) susu..patient eczema mmg allergic dgn susu lembu..tpi aku bagi baby R pedisure utk weight gain dier...badan susut pun tak bleh..kang bender lain plak yg muncul..
4) jangan bagi baby stresss..happy kan dier selalu..pada yg mampu..aderkan aircond di rumah..kalo tak aderkan humidifier..untuk lembabkan area dalam umah..sbb baby eczema tak boleh berpeluh..yerlah peluh tu kan asid..korang kalo peluh akan menggaru kan..samerla dgn baby eczema..cumee bezanyer biler dorang menggaru smpai luka2..
5) jangan bagi baby makan makanan yg ader dairy product...memang aku tekankan pemakanan anak2 aku..lantak ar org nak ckp aku typical mother or whatsoever..but..cumer ibu jer yg akan paham routine anak2 am i..
6) jangan kasi makanan yg boleh buat dorang menggaru..cth seafood..peanut..
7) tiap kali baby berpeluh..mandikanla diee..utk kekalkan kelembapan pada kulit..akj mandikan anak aku sehari 5 kali..everytime aku raser diee berpeluh..aku akan mandikan diee..
8) bagi scott imulsion kat baby..especially yg original..tue bagus utk imunisasi badan baby..yerlah dorang ni consider hyper biler hyper allergic..normally if saper2 dekat dorang kener demam..flu..cough..usually budak2 ni akan kener attack dulu..mmg senangla dorang kener..thats why aku and husband tekankan and ensure non of us boleh dekat dengan anak kalo kener aper2 desease..
9) kalo mampu..pergi mane2 swasta, buat ujian darah..utk tgk baby korang allergic to aper..thats anything related to that korang dh tau nak buat aper..
10) please pakaikan anak2 korang dengan pakaian cotton polyster or whatsoever..
Cotton kan serap peluh..yg lain tue kan tak serap faham2 jeelah..
11) korang bleh try homeopathy..certain ppl tak percayer pader medicine.for those yg tak pecayer dgn medicine bleh tryla..tapi pada aku..try semua bender yg atas ni dulu..baru ko decide nak start homeopathy ker tak..sbb ni melibatkan nyawa..& takda pun lagi cop sahih diterima dikalangan global medication..aku tak halang and support..tapi think wisely..

Always remember this "Learn the trigger and avoid it" ... and satu lagi "biar anak menangis jangan kita ( parents) yg menangis"

Now baby R not to say bebas dr eczema..he still have that but in minor way..even kalo dier menggaru pun..merah2 tue takda..paling penting, i know what to do if he gets the attack...alhamdulillah sangat2..

So far itu jerlah note aku pasal eczema

Thursday, December 4, 2014

Rayqal admitted

Tonight rayqal start admitted @ hospital pantai kl..due to enzema..ppl asked me why pantai? Its so expensive's too expensive for me but i satisfied with all their services..the they explained to me..what why where when to cure this diseased..everyone of course wanted to give the best especially to their child...same goes to me..
Doc told me that baby R needed special treatment..need to change his lotion..shower gel..n the milk..yes the milk! I know..he just 5 month and he stopped BF with me..At first, i feel so demotivated as baby D stayed BF with me for 2 years..but baby R only remain for 5 month..sigh..the only thing that i can do is provide the best for baby after 5 days R discharged!!!..yeay..such a wonderful news...time to pamper himm!!!

Preschool vs montesorri

For those who are still thinking about where..what..why..sending your kids to preschool or can go ahead and read the articles below..i've choose montessori and i've sending baby D to one of the islamic montessori..i believe in order to develop the kids attitude is from inside..
Many parents thinking about preschool need to consider the advantages of sending their child to Montessori school instead.


Montessori is a popular choice among parents for their child's early years, and it's important to know the advantages of Montessori over preschools. Preschools offer daycare that may be - in some cases, such as private school - focused on early childhood education. These are structured learning environments for children before they begin Kindergarten.

Montessori is an entirely distinct alternative complete with its own learning style, methods and philosophy.

Both offer excellent options for our young learners. Examine both to determine the best fit for your preschool-aged child. Full day or half day learning for young children is offered by most provinces across Canada, but there are distinct advantages to trying preschool in a private school.

Early Childhood Education at private schools:
Programs focus on learning
Offer children a head-start on their education
Gives children taste of what school will be like
Some have funding available for parents
Sometimes ECE tuition may be eligible for tax credits
Some offer advanced education at early ages (i.e. Elmwood school offers International Baccalaureate for children three years of age).
Read more about early childhood education.
Vs. Montessori schools
While a popular choice for pre-school, Montessori is for children from infancy to 18 years (depending on school)
Versus public and private schools, Montessori offers a child-centred learning environment (where the teacher is the center of the classroom in any other environment).
Teachers don't lecture, but guide in Montessori. They assist students with discovering their true potential through challenging experiences to be completed uninterrupted in a learning environment
Student directed learning is emphasized vs. learning based on a prescribed curriculum
Montessori promotes a hands-on approach to learning versus a focus on seatwork.
They aim to develop all aspects of child's psyche – emotional, spiritual and intellectual – to develop well-rounded individuals.

Ps : look at baby D on his first day to school..!!! Ibu proud of you've become big brother to baby R..

Saturday, August 23, 2014

Baby R - 2 month

Comel sungguh anak ibu sorang nie..dah nampak muka ibu..ketawa2 bile kener agah cutee..

MALAYSIA berkabung MH17

Semalam..sayunya hati melihat rintihan seorang anak pada arwah ibunya..seorang ibu pada arwah anaknya..anak yg baru 2 tahun tidur sambil mendakap baju ayahnya..sungguh berat ujian dariMu...pagi ni pun keluar lagi berita kat newspaper..nangis aku tgk cerita2 yang kuar..

Tuesday, July 22, 2014

Confinement time

Pantang..pantang..pantang...ya Allah kau gagahkanla badanku nie..pantang time ramadhan raya..haizzzz..tak merasala aku ketupat rendang....4th raya ari akhir aku pantang..arap2 sempatla makan ketupat rendang...

Muhammad adam rayqal has arrived safely to the world

Hey pleased to announced that my 2nd son has safely arrived on 19th june 2014 @ 2:48pm..alhamdulillah dengan rezeki yang Allah berikan...

Monday, February 24, 2014

Window shopping @ Alamanda

biler Mr J tanyer nak gi maner..ati cam terpkir gie la alamanda since aku pun nak jumper kawan aku and pass semua pics baby D untuk buat album...while waiting, we all masuk kat MPH book store..sambil Mr J mencari buku..aku pun sibukla mencari buku baru untuk baby D...sambil aku capai satu flash card book pasal animal and tunjuk kat baby D, here's what happen :

aku : abang, what is this?
baby D : lion
aku : what is this?
baby D : elephant
aku : what is this, bang?
baby D : horse
begitula seterusnyer...and everything is correct..good job baby D...suddenly ader satu couple dengan sorang anak datang tegur..

si ibu : umur braper anak akak nie..
aku : smalam genap 2 tahun
si ibu : ooo...bijak yer dier...bleh pronounce semua jenis animal..anak saya tau sebut cat jer..
si bapa : pandai dier kak...umur anak saya dah setahun 8 bulan..dah beli yer kak flash card camnie..
aku : dah boleh sgt la tue..
si ibu : camner akak buat?
aku : hurm..akak beli animal2 yg real2 tue...ari2 akak tunjuk satu2 kat dier..lelamer dier ikutla cakap kiter...budak kat cepat pickup..kener buat slalu la..
si ibu : oooo...okay...kener beli la nie semua jenis flash card...
aku : seeloknyer belila..

lepas kuar dari MPH, story la kat Mr J..raser proud plak biler ader org puji anak sendri..
moral of the story...keeeppp teaching him...ohhhh yess!!

alhamdulillah...dapat jugak passkan semua pics baby D kat kawan untuk buat custom photo book...tak sabar nak tgu photo album tue and nak tunjuk kat baby D all of his pics... :)

Friday, May 17, 2013


baby D malu2 plak on video...huhuhuh

Bila Baby D mamai di malam ari...

almost every night baby D mamai time tidor...never had a chance to record the moment..last night, helll gonna recorded it..publish so that one day, he will find himself in net. cuteee...

Friday, March 1, 2013


Today i just received an email from my manager saying that im shortlisted on the interview that i went off...i was like shooocccckkkkeddddd!!

sseriously...syukur sangat2...Allah s.w.t masih sayangkan aku and murahkan rezeki aku..

akhirnya niat aku to have " work life balance " in my career dah termakbul...

so..thats all for now guys..


Saturday, February 23, 2013

Baby D 1st Birthday Celebration

malam nie kat umah mama...celebrate birthday Baby D...muler2 nak wat happening2 la kan...tpi biler pikir2 D bukan paham aperpun membazir jer nak celebrate beria2 kan..

so, end up just suh ayahnyer beli cake and celebrate malam tue among family members jer...walaupun baby D tengah pisat2 bangun...tapi tetap jugak celebrate...

Happy 1st Birthday Muhammad Adam Danial...Moga panjang umur & dimurahkan rezeki selalu...moga jadi anak yang soleh and berjaya satu ari nanti...

Sunday, December 30, 2012

Hye sayang2ku

im sorry2 sangat cause dah lamer giler tak update blog nie..

bukan aper tapi im so super duper busy...

busy with my job..

busy with son & hubby

busy with my family

busy with my new lil business....

alhamdulillah, hopefully this new year will give me more bright & laughter....

enjoy you guysss....

Wednesday, October 3, 2012

Happy Birthday To Me!!!

♫♪ Happy Birthday to You ♪♫•*¨*•.¸¸¸¸.•*¨*• ♫♪ Happy Birthday to You ♪♫ •*¨*•.¸¸¸¸.•*¨*• ♫♪Happy Birthday ♪♫ •*¨*•.¸¸¸¸.•*¨*•...♫♪...Happy Birthday to You!!!

May Allah Bless Me & my family always...

May Allah panjangkan umurku & my family...

May Allah murahkan rezeki ku & my family...

nak dijadikan 12am (3rd October 2012), had a fight with Mr J..

every year is going to be like that...biasalah..

"sedangkan lidah lagi tergigit...inikan plak suami isteri.." cewah!

pkl 4am baru celebrate...lucky my baby D woke up dari tidur yang nyenyak...

maner bleh jantung hati takda kan...huhhuu..

walaupun cumer 1 whole cakes...tapi cukup indah rasernyer birthday aku kali nie..

cukupla dengan adernyer anak + suami + family...
